
Cleaning Out a Trap

The 'S'  traps under the kitchen Sirius and under The wash bowl in bath rooms some times becomes partially or wholly stopped up. If water drains slowly. that is an indication of partial stoppage. Try to clear out the obstruction before it gets completely blocked.  There are at least three common methods. These methods are: 

i)  Use of rubber force cup, generally referred to as "the plumber's friend."  Partially fill the sink or washbowl with water, then place the force cup over the outlet, and push the wooden handle up and down rapidly.  This will force water down rapidly and suck it hack up and may loosen the obstruction. 

ii)  Another method is to buy a can of one of several chemical solvents made especially for cleaning out drains and use it according to the directions given on the can.  Be careful not to gel solvent on your hands or eyes or spill it on the floor or woodwork. These chemical cleaners usually contain lye or caustic potash, which\will cause trouble it gets in the wrong place. This solvent is placed in the drain and sometimes (if instructions direct) flushed with hot water.  It generates heat which dissolves grease.  Thus the obstruction may clear itself. It not, lest stand in the drain ten minutes or so and then use the plumber's emend to clear it. 

iii)  A third way is the mechanical method.  Secure a pail, a dishpan, or a basin large enough to catch all the water in the trap and place it underneath the trap.  With a wrench, un-screw the clean out plug at the bottom of the tap and the let the water drain out.  Pins, bits of metal, caps of tubes, etc., may be lodged in the bottom of the trap. You can easterly remove them once the plug off. Long hair can catch around a bobby and in due time accumulate into a mass that blocks the trap. A piece of small wire with a hook on the end  may be helpful in snaking out accumulated matter.  In the kitchen trap, grease accumulates and helps to hold other materials. Scrap trap walls as clean as you can before replacing the plug. 

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