

The centralised buying concept has rightly gained credence because it helps to keep wasteful competition and duplicating efforts to a minimum. The Directorate General of Supplies and Disposal (DGS&D) constitutes the central purchasing organisation of the Government of India. The DGS&D functions through its headquarters at New Delhi and regional offices at Mumbai, Calcutta, Chennai and Kanpur. It has three main arms, namely the supply arm, the inspection arm and the disposal arm. 

The DGS&D agenda also includes the following : 

  1. To act as the purchasing and inspection agency (in both economic and advisory capacity) on behalf of various government indentures who avail their services on all matters connected with Purchase Management and Contract Administration, 
  2. Development and utilisation of indigenous sources of supply to the maximum possible extent, 
  3. To arrange sophisticated laboratory tests and analysis of samples etc. of the stores inspected by them through a National Test House and other approved Laboratories, 
  4. Preparation of suitable specifications and standardisation of government purchases, 
  5. To arrange for the clearance of stores imported from outside India against orders placed by DGS&D themselves or by their agencies in London1 Washington. Other Government, Semi-government or Statutory Corporations can utilise this service against direct orders. 
  6. To ensure proper import substitution to the maximum possible extent and also to help the development of indigenous industries in the manufacture of a new item(s). 
  7. To arrange the disposal of surplus stores to government departments. 

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