
Material Management Computerisation

What is computerisation ? It can be defined as the implementation of a tool designed to produce the same work that one does normally using less time and effort than is now required and Loss costs in the long run. 

While deciding for computerisation, following three aspects are to be considered : 

  1.  Efficiency - The processes that save time when one is away from the management, end user, own staff or vendor, thus, giving you more time to  see vendors, end users, own staff or management efficiently. 
  2. Effectiveness - The processes that make the time with an end user, vendor, own staff or management more productive. 
  3. Communications - The processes that facilitate the easy transfer of information usable information and not just data -between people throughout the entire organisational structure. 

Today's situation makes the organisation, vendor or customers want and expect : 

  • timely and accurate information about status of various activities, 
  • prompt and dependable answers to questions, 
  • follow through on commitments within the promised time frame, and 
  • regular contact and follow-up. 

A properly configured and implemented computerised or automation solution assists the company in achieving all of these benefits and much more. Computers and modem communication systems have become a prime consideration for materials management automation. 

Some examples of how the computerisation or automation process can help materials management activities are as follows : 

  • Minimize paper work and eliminate daily reports, 
  • Gain more face-to-face meeting time, 
  • Pave the way for more effective vendor lend user service, 
  • Shorten the procurement and delivery cycles, 
  • Provide on the spot professional looking proposals and reports, 

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